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How to get rid of the “” hack ? [Solved]

Level3_Crap_Search_EngineSomedays back I noticed that when I type something into my browser it takes me to a different search engine called `””` which I don’t remember installing or set in the browser. I looked into my browser settings for anything suspicious but didn’t find any. Now, how to get rid of the “” hack ?Level3_Hack_Redirecting

After searching and reading some forum posts, I finally found the cause and fixed it.

It happens because of faulty, free DNS servers. In my case, I was using Level3’s DNS servers ( through and it was hijacking the traffic. When something messy is entered directly into the URL of the browser, it redirects to Level3’s searching site.


To fix the problem, simply search for a good DNS server and use that instead. Same thing will happen with most free DNS servers, however, I am OK with Google’s free DNS server.

Two of the best DNS servers that can be used instead.

  1. Google Public DNS8.8.8.8 and
  2. OpenDNS – and

Hope this helps you solve your problem with the redirect.

9 thoughts on “How to get rid of the “” hack ? [Solved]”

  1. Awesome Subharanjan.. I was facing the same problem..!!! Thanks a lot for this solution as i was not able to find out anywhere else. just changed the DNS to Google DNS Servers… and its working fine now..!!

    Thanks for the solution mate

  2. I have this same annoying problem but when I go look at my (Windows 7) DNS server settings through Control Panel, there are no DNS servers listed, i.e. nothing to change. Wondering where else to look and change those DNS servers…

  3. Pingback: Non-existing URLs redirect to "searchguide - level 3" in Safari - PhotoLens

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