Second time in a year 2012, Yes!! after successful Wordcamp at Cuttack, India… its Mumbai (also known as Bombay, the most populous city in India) where the next Wordcamp 2012 is going to be held.
If you are passionate and knowledgeable about WordPress – from novice user basics to custom plugin/theme development, then this is the right place and right time to for you. Wordcamp Mumbai is bringing together the best in local designers, developers, business owners, and bloggers from across India and beyond under one roof, for blasting two days.
People like: Philip Moore (Theme Wrangler at Autmattic) and contributor to the starter theme “_s” (, Soumya Pratihari a professional blogger with over 25 blogs from Odisha and many others will be speaking during this two days event.
For Wordcamp Mumbai, 2012 details, visit:
So, Learn. Grow. Build. 🙂 🙂
Do you have any details about the timings? Especially the timing of the developer track?
No, I don’t have the exact timings of developer tracks sessions yet..
May be this helps:
Now You can Check on Official site Of WordPress about Session
Thanks Ashvin.